dad pregnancy
Marriage,  Maternity

What Dad Needs to Know About Pregnancy- Written by a Dad

If a mom-to-be has any questions about pregnancy, there are millions of places for her to find her answers. If a dad-to-be wants to know anything about how to support their partner during pregnancy/birth, it is a lot harder for them to find information. I asked my husband what he would tell other dads-to-be now that he’s been through it all. If you’re curious what the dad’s side of the story is/if you want to share this post with a dad-to-be, read on!

If you haven’t read 8 Ways for Dad to Bond with The Baby Bump, definitely check that out! These ideas helped my husband to feel a lot more involved with my pregnancy. Each activity really helped him feel like he was becoming a dad!

The following is written from Austin’s point of view! (Mikayla’s husband).

Take Advantage of the Second Trimester

The second trimester is when your wife will feel the best during her pregnancy. There’s a good chance that she won’t feel as nauseous and sick. She also won’t have such a big belly that makes her seem super lazy (even though she’s working so hard to grow a human). The second trimester is the most “normal,” so go do fun things! If you want to go on one last trip before you become a dad, now is the time. If you want to do anything active, this is also the time to do that.

The second trimester is also the best time to get a little funky 😉 This is when her libido will be the highest. It gets a lot harder as her belly gets bigger too. Overall, make the most of your time together during the second trimester. It’s a lot harder to make a lot of memories in the third trimester.

You Might Get Her to Try New Foods

Because of pregnancy cravings, your wife might be more open to foods that you’ve never gotten her to try before. This could backfire on you though. If she tries something that she doesn’t like (I blamed the pregnancy hormones) then there’s no going back. I had my wife try some chorizo flavored fritos that I love. She hated them. All the gagging. Now she refuses to smell them, let alone eat them.

On the other hand, my wife hated frosted animal crackers and sugar cookies before getting pregnant. I got her to try a shake that mixed both of those, and she absolutely loved it. It became a funny craving after that. It’s a hit or miss thing, but it’s pretty fun to experiment with!

Get Used to Sleeping on a Smaller Portion of The Bed

By time the third trimester hits, you’ll find that your wife will take up most of the bed. We have a king bed, but I always felt like I was sleeping on a twin or even smaller. Her pregnancy pillows (and her belly) will take up a LOT of room. No matter how squished you might feel, you better figure out how to deal with it on your own. If you tell her, she’ll either get really mad at you for “not appreciating that she’s growing your child,” or she’ll get super emotional and cry because she feels bad.

Also, be prepared to take some time falling asleep. It’ll take her a while to get comfortable. There is a lot of tossing, turning, wiggling, etc. for the first several minutes after you lay down. When she finally gets comfy and suddenly has an itch somewhere, she’ll be asking you to itch it for her. If she gets comfortable and needs anything at all, you’ll be expected to help haha.

Be Prepared With Candy and Flowers

Your wife is going through a lot. Hormones are going wild, and you need to be prepared to help her in any way you can. She will probably be extremely emotional and might need a shoulder to cry on (sometimes it’ll be over the most ridiculous things…), and you should be there for her! I made sure I had chocolate on hand. Occasionally bringing flowers home from work was never a bad idea either! You might also need candy and flowers for when you don’t shut the kitchen cabinet and she looses her mind, haha. Tread lightly and try to be more perfect than you’ve ever been in your life!

Feeling the Baby for the First Time is a Real Dad Moment

For a long while, the fact that you’re going to be a dad won’t settle in. Your wife is the one that is pregnant, so she will feel the reality settling in long before you will. When you finally get to put your hand on her belly and feel that first kick, it’s such a neat experience. I can’t even put words to it. Be sure to look forward to that a LOT. After that point, the pregnancy will start to feel more real to you, and you’ll be a dad before you know it!

You Better Save Money for Her Nesting Needs

If you know what nesting is, then you know that your wife will have this urge to do a lot before the baby arrives. This can include everything from buying baby clothes and washing them, to cleaning everything in the house. What I wasn’t prepared for, was that she wanted to get ready for an eternal quarantine (as if 2020 wasn’t bad enough). She wanted to stock up on all the freezer food, all the pantry food, all the cleaning supplies, all the toilet paper, all the hygiene items, all the stamps (why??), all the things in the house that had nothing to do with the baby. On the bright side, we didn’t have to spend a lot of money on anything besides fresh food for several months after the baby was born, haha.

Get Ready to Become a Professional Photographer Before You Become a Dad

If your wife is anything like mine, she’ll want you to take a lot of pictures to document the bump. Between bump pictures every week and any scrapbook moments (like the baby shower, maternity photos, gender reveal, etc.), she’ll turn you into a great photographer! I learned how to fix the details that I knew she wouldn’t like. Then I wouldn’t be stuck taking pictures of her for a long time! Phrases such as “pull your shirt down on that side.” “move your hair forward.” “angle your body the other way.” etc., actually came out of my mouth. You had no idea what you were signing up for did you?

Be Sure You’re a Good Enough Handy Man to Become a Dad

A lot of items will require you to put them together. Between the nursery furniture, baby swings and bouncers and random baby toys, you’ll get really good at putting things together. Even if it’s something that your wife is totally capable of, she’ll probably still ask you to do it. You’ll be better off if you keep that toolbox easily accessible! That’s a pretty basic dad thing though, so hopefully you’re prepared for that!

Becoming a dad entails a lot more than just waiting for the baby to arrive. Mom-to-be needs a lot of extra love and attention. Be prepared to help her in anyway that you can because she will appreciate it more than ever!

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