The best pregnancy apps and best baby apps
Babies,  Maternity

Best Pregnancy Apps and Baby Apps

I am so grateful that we live in a time when apps have been created to help us with EVERYTHING! Pregnancy can be overwhelming and it’s easy for the mom-to-be to feel lost and confused sometimes. Going into labor and giving birth is a totally surreal (and maybe miserable…) experience and no matter what people tell you, you really won’t feel like you’re totally prepared until you’ve been through it. Taking care of a newborn baby for the first time is quite the experience and learning curve as well. I used certain apps daily when I was pregnant and when I was taking care of my newborn baby. These apps (or at least ones like them) can help you feel a more prepared! They’ll help you keep your sanity and you’ll be grateful that you downloaded them!

If you haven’t read my post, 5 Pregnancy Freebies to Sign Up For, then you definitely should! Take advantage of all the freebies you can get during pregnancy! Babies are expensive!

1. Pregnancy Progress Tracking App

Pregnancy involves a lot of new milestones, and as a new mom-to-be, you want to be well informed on how your baby is growing! I looked forward to reaching a new week throughout my entire pregnancy, just so that I could get an update and learn more about my baby’s progress on my pregnancy app. These apps aren’t completely reliable though. They’re all just guesses and estimates, so remember that. You’re baby might be slightly ahead or behind what your app is telling you. Here are a few apps that you can download and try out! I used the Baby Center app and really liked it. Baby center gave a lot of information about the baby, but it also had a “scrapbook” section for bump pics, and a social media type of thing where you could connect with other moms who were due within the same month as you! I also downloaded a few others and they all had some great features, so try a few out and see which app works the best for you!

best pregnancy progress tracking apps

2. Baby Schedule Tracking App

As soon as I had my baby, I downloaded a baby scheduling app. I would recommend doing this when you are still pregnant so that you can have time to get familiar with how the app works before you have your baby. It’s really handy to be able to track how often your baby eats, which breast you fed on last, how often diaper changes are and what kind of diaper it was, how long your baby is sleeping, and how often you pump. Using this kind of app allowed me to confidently give the pediatrician answers when they asked about these routines. I also was able to notice when my baby started being on a more consistent schedule. I only tried one app, but I know that there are a lot out there! However, this one includes all of these daily things that I mentioned above.

Baby Tracker - Newborn Feeding, Diaper, Sleep Log - Apps

3. Pregnancy Health App

I wanted to be as healthy as I possibly could be when I was pregnant. I found a pregnancy app that had meal plans, workouts and breathing exercises that you could do to help keep you healthy and relaxed throughout your pregnancy. I’m sure that there are many others out there, but I found this one really helpful! It even had some Kegal workouts!

Baby2Body: Pregnancy Wellness on the App Store

4. Diaper Rewards App

My baby does best with pampers diapers, so that is the only baby app that I have tried in this category, but they give great rewards (for diapers and wipes)! I have been using the app for about 4 months and I have over $30 in rewards points! I’m sure that other diaper brands do similar programs, so be sure to check that out! Diapers are expensive, so get back every cent you can on them!

Diaper Rewards Loyalty Program | Pampers

5. Contraction Timer App

I only ever downloaded and looked at one contraction timer app, but because I ended up getting induced, I never got to use it. A lot of first time moms don’t know what to expect when it comes to the phrase “going into labor.” Having an app that can help you know if you’re really in labor or not, is really helpful! I downloaded the app, Full Term. This is a great pregnancy app!

Full Term - Contraction Timer - Apps for Pregnancy

6. Drink Water Reminder App

This is a great pregnancy app and baby app. When you are pregnant and breastfeeding, it is so very crucial that you drink a TON of water! I am not the best at remembering to drink water, so I downloaded an app that reminded me to drink water. It sent me notifications every so often (you can set it to how often you’d like), which I found very helpful. There are a lot of water reminder apps and I haven’t tried hardly any, but I did like this one (Drink Water reminder).

Water Reminder - Remind Drink Water – Apps for pregnancy

You better clear up a lot of space on your phone so that you can get to downloading all of these apps! I created a folder just for pregnancy/baby on my phone and I open it way too many times a day! Do you have any other apps that you have found to be really helpful for pregnancy/babies? Tell me in the comments!

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