pregnancy classes
Babies,  Maternity

Classes for Pregnancy & Postpartum That I Swear By

Pregnancy, labor and delivery, breastfeeding, and babies come with a lot of information that isn’t always common sense. For example, did you know that different mothers can produce different kinds of milk (like skim vs whole milk)? I didn’t! I was so stressed about becoming a mom and I had no idea where to even start. How do I prepare to give birth? How do I know when my water breaks? How do I know if my baby is okay? How on earth do I breastfeed? I had so many questions, like every first time mom does, so I found some classes to help me feel more at peace. There are 4 classes that I have taken that have allowed me to have the best pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and sleep training experiences. All of these classes are SO worth the money and I would recommend them to EVERYONE who is expecting a baby!

1. The Belle Method Online Workout Classes

Nikki Bergen is an AMAZING instructor who helped me to have the BEST birth experience I could have possible asked for. She started the Belle method/Bump method classes to help ladies prepare for birth. They are workout classes, but you specifically work on your pelvic floor. I had the hardest time being motivated to workout during my pregnancy, especially the later weeks, but this class didn’t take nearly as much motivation. I actually enjoyed it! I took her prenatal classes in the last couple weeks of my pregnancy and she helped me to know and understand what muscles to use during my delivery (Read My Birth Story to see how smoothly my experience went because of what I learned from her classes). I took these classes for my postpartum recovery as well, and I feel like I recovered so much faster than what is normal. I will always be taking these classes when I am pregnant/early postpartum! They are OUTSTANDING! Her Instagram has a ton of fantastic information as well, so be sure to check that out too!

2. Milkology Breastfeeding Course

I was worried about breastfeeding, so I wanted to be as well prepared as I possibly could be. I learned so much from this Milkology class and I am so glad I took it! It talked about everything from the healthy benefits of breastfeeding (for you and baby) to problems you might experience when breastfeeding. I especially liked this course because they included printable notes at the end (and believe me, your pregnant brain needs notes). This class is great, and is reasonably priced as well! I definitely recommend this class to anyone who needs more knowledge about breastfeeding and nursing!

3. Tinyhood Breastfeeding Course

Tinyhood has a ton of different parenting classes. I can’t speak to any of them besides the breastfeeding class because that is the only one I have taken, but it is great! This is a more expensive breastfeeding class (But it is FREE right now because of the pandemic!!). It had a lot of similar information as the Milkology course, but it also included information that Milkology didn’t. This class also seemed to have more diagrams and charts to look at, so if you are a visual person, I would definitely recommend this Tinyhood Breastfeeding Course!

4. Taking Cara Babies Classes

Taking Cara Babies is a sleep training class, and it is AMAZING. I can’t recommend it enough. My baby started sleeping through the night at 8 1/2 weeks old after I took this class. Now, when your postpartum body is recovering, this is a class that you NEED. I am so sure that I would’ve gone insane if my baby continued to get up so consistently at night. I learned SO much about how babies sleep. Not only does Cara teach you how to help your baby sleep, but she explains WHY these methods work. It is SO informational, and is healthy for mom and dad to take. Parents will be better parents if they aren’t so sleep deprived, so help yourself by signing up for her newborn class before your baby is 4 weeks old, better yet, when you are still pregnant! Cara also has an Instagram and a blog that are extremely helpful!

I hope you find these classes as helpful as I did. I 100000% recommend them and think that they are SO worth the money. I will say (in case you can only pick one or two courses) that The Belle Method and Taking Cara Babies are my top two classes on this list. Those two have seriously been life changing for me and I am SO grateful that I took them! Let me know in the comments if you have any other classes that you took when you were pregnant/postaprtum that saved your life! Good luck Mama!


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