• baby's first valentines day

    Baby’s First Valentines Day Photoshoot Ideas

    If you are anything like me, you look for any and every excuse to take cute pictures of your baby, and then post them to social media! Valentines Day is coming up, so it’s the perfect excuse! Whether this is your baby’s first Valentines Day or not, you can still plan a cute photoshoot in your own home! Here are some tips and tricks for that, and some cute examples as well! If you haven’t read my post 7 Ways to Play With Your Newborn (0-12 Weeks), that’s definitely worth checking out! This post contains affiliate links. If you click on them, I might receive a small commission at no…

  • Instagram Accounts Moms Need To Follow
    Babies,  Maternity

    Instagram Accounts Moms NEED to Follow

    Becoming a parent can be SO stressful! Between pregnancy, safety for your baby, and parenting in general, there are so many important things to know! I have found certain Instagram accounts to be extremely helpful for this! I follow all of these accounts, and they have all helped me in some way or another. Some of the accounts have changed the way that my husband and I parent! If you aren’t much of an Instagram person, you should still check these out. I promise they are worth it! If you haven’t read my post Best Pregnancy and Baby Apps, it’s definitely worth the short read! Between those apps and these…

  • 5 ways to entertain your baby in their car-seat

    5 Ways to Entertain Your Baby in Their Car-Seat

    The first time I went on a solo trip with my son, I remember him screaming in his car-seat approximately 20 seconds after I pulled out of the garage. I kept pulling over to give him his binky or to rock his car-seat. It got so frustrating, and my momma heart couldn’t handle the screaming! This fiasco caused me to be late to the appointment that I had, and I started to absolutely dread taking the baby on car rides alone. Many parents feel like their baby hates their car-seat. My son didn’t, but he would get so upset if he lost his binky, so I came up with a…

  • 13 Secrets to Increase Your Milk Supply

    13 Secrets to Increase Your Milk Supply

    When I was breastfeeding, I tried everything to get my milk supply to go up. It was the reason that I ended up quitting actually. I only noticed a slight difference with a lot of these tips and tricks, but a lot of women SWEAR by these. If you are anything like I was, you have been searching endlessly for ways to increase your milk supply. Fear not mama, I have done plenty of research and have compiled it all in one post for you! Whether you are looking to build a freezer stash or to exclusive breastfeed your baby, there are plenty of tricks listed below for you to…

  • creative ways to play with your newborn

    7 Ways To Play With Your Newborn (0-12 weeks)

    When I had my first baby, I wanted to help him start developing as soon as I could. When he was awake, I wanted to play with him, but I didn’t really know how. I was also really excited to see him react in anyway possible. I tried looking up ways to play with my newborn, but couldn’t find much. First of all, the idea of “playtime” isn’t what you think when it comes to newborns. When newborns are awake and studying your face, that’s their playtime. They can’t grab toys yet, can’t make cooing noises, and can’t even smile at first. You have to adjust your idea of “playtime”…

  • The best pregnancy apps and best baby apps
    Babies,  Maternity

    Best Pregnancy Apps and Baby Apps

    I am so grateful that we live in a time when apps have been created to help us with EVERYTHING! Pregnancy can be overwhelming and it’s easy for the mom-to-be to feel lost and confused sometimes. Going into labor and giving birth is a totally surreal (and maybe miserable…) experience and no matter what people tell you, you really won’t feel like you’re totally prepared until you’ve been through it. Taking care of a newborn baby for the first time is quite the experience and learning curve as well. I used certain apps daily when I was pregnant and when I was taking care of my newborn baby. These apps…

  • breastfeeding

    The Hardest Decision I Had To Make As A New Mom

    My heart is aching as I write this post. I didn’t want to lose the bond with my baby. I didn’t want to take away the food that was the most recommended. I didn’t want to stop doing what my body was meant to do. I didn’t want to stop breastfeeding so early, but I came to realize that if I stopped breastfeeding, I would be a happier wife and mom. When my son was 2 months, I started on birth control and noticed a dip in my supply within a week. I had been exclusively breastfeeding my son up to that point. I hadn’t even pumped since the first…

  • how having a baby changes your marriage

    Pros and Cons of Sharing Baby’s Name Before Birth

    There are several questions that you will get asked during your pregnancy on a regular basis (how far along you are, what the gender is, when the due date is, etc). One of the biggest questions that you will get asked during your pregnancy is about your baby’s name. This is always a fun question, but it can be a tricky one to work around sometimes. During my pregnancy, my husband and I shared our top name choices with anyone who asked, but now looking back, we wish we would’ve just kept it a secret between the two of us. We wanted to wait to completely decide the name until…

  • Babies

    Being a Mom and Being Self-Conscious

    Becoming a mother is a HUGE sacrifice. You give up your body to bring a little babe into the world, which is no easy task! I wanted to get pregnant so bad that I didn’t even think or care about how my body would look later, which is a good thing, but I also didn’t prepare myself for the constant feeling of being self-conscious after I’d given birth. I thought that I was self-conscious before, but oh no. Being pregnant and having a baby really does one to your body. I would never ever regret being pregnant and having my son, but it would be nice to not feel so…

  • Babies

    The Best Tips for Doing Baby Laundry

    I was so excited to buy baby clothes when I was pregnant, but as soon as the time came to wash them in order to prepare for the baby, I was SO lost. I thought I had found the best way to do baby laundry (and to get rid of spit-up/blowout stains), but I have found a much better way. If you are a mom-to-be or a mom that recently had a baby, keep reading to find out how I do my baby’s laundry and to learn some handy tricks! Laundry Detergent for Baby Skin The first laundry detergent that I bought was Dreft. You guys. DON’T BUY DREFT. After…